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Exploring Holistic Wellness for Seniors

Written by Discovery Senior Living | Jul 23, 2024 2:39:57 PM

Though the golden years are a time of wisdom and clarity for many, almost 95% of seniors across the US have at least one chronic health problem. 80% have two or more, which makes senior wellness practices more important than ever before.

Holistic wellness programs in retirement communities are one of the best ways to combat both physical and mental health issues. Read on to learn the ins and outs of holistic wellness and how these practices can benefit older adults.

What Is Holistic Wellness for Seniors?

The American Holistic Health Association defines this approach to wellness clearly. Holistic health emphasizes a connection between a person's body, mind, and spirit. It aims to address all parts of someone's being together so everything functions at maximum capacity.

An emphasis on holistic wellness means using natural remedies to enhance mobility, memory, and more. Lifestyle changes are a big part of this since those with good lifestyles can live 12-14 years longer than others do.

Physical aspects of holistic wellness include eating healthy, grooming and bathing appropriately, doing stretches and simple exercises, and remaining physically active. Maintaining a healthy weight and enhancing mobility are important for senior wellness.

Mental and spiritual aspects like socializing, forging bonds with others, controlling stress, reading regularly, enhancing memory, and creating new things work alongside these physical activities. Staying fit means feeling good emotionally because seniors are more energetic and active. This activity means more energy to socialize and try new things, which enhances mental wellness.

The Basics of Wellness Programs in Retirement Communities

"Wellness programs" serve as holistic therapy for seniors. They're not one-size-fits-all because no two older adults have the same needs. A quality Collinsville assisted living community will identify what your loved one needs to stay healthy and create a personalized holistic wellness plan.

One aspect of this will of course be assistance with daily tasks. If a senior can't bathe or dress themselves, they won't be clean and healthy without help. A core purpose of a senior living community is to provide the care they need to thrive during their daily lives.

Beyond this, healthy and fresh meals can help seniors stay fit. There are also exercise-related events on community calendars. This might include stretching groups, dancing classes, walks around the courtyard or another public space, or even sports like golf.

The calendar doesn't just serve as a promotion of physical health, though. It's also made to keep seniors happy as they age so they can feel fulfilled and stave off depression.

Craft workshops, movie nights, reading groups, investment clubs, bingo lunches, and board game days are all great ways that seniors can get involved. This means fostering a sense of connection and social wellness that can help them feel valued, decrease stress levels, and learn more about themselves.

Clean and well-maintained amenities reduce clutter and grime. Since people's surroundings have a huge impact on their mental state, this is critical. Libraries, common rooms, TV spaces, and dining areas also can help people feel as though they're surrounded by positive energy and daily activities.

Natural Methods: Holistic Health for Elderly Individuals

One core benefit of holistic health is that it relies on natural help to improve well-being. It requires no drugs, medication, or invasive treatment plans.

Holistic wellness methods mostly use lifestyle shifts, new foods, and natural remedies for illnesses. This means that there are limited side effects for those looking to get their well-being in check.

It also means that preventative treatment is a highlight rather than simply reactive help for pre-existing health issues. Seniors are susceptible to more mobility issues and memory loss than younger people are, and holistic wellness addresses the root of these problems before they arise.

Holistic treatments decrease the likelihood of future pain and the need for invasive medical treatments. Since assisted living communities can help seniors focus on preventative memory and mobility care, your loved one will be likelier to retain a high quality of life in the long run.

Illness Prevention

Holistic wellness decreases the likelihood of serious health issues from overtaking patients' lives. Insomnia, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and addiction are all less likely to develop.

A holistic focus can also stave off high blood pressure due to stress, headaches, back pain, and even early-stage cancer.

A senior living community can help prevent these serious problems from taking root with exercise, good surroundings, and a great diet.

Holistic senior health improvement also means a chemical-free treatment plan. Even seniors who require medication management won't just be given pills and no further attention. They can reduce the amount of pharmaceuticals they need and nip unnecessary side effects in the bud.

Holistic living is tailored toward elderly adults as individuals rather than a laundry list of symptoms and problems that require attention.

Empowering Healing

Holistic wellness gives seniors control over their health and well-being. It's the actions that they take that can help them stay happy and healthy. This means that they're fully in control of their lifestyles and health.

Since a holistic plan helps seniors understand the natural ways their body can heal, they'll be more in touch with their physical capabilities. They'll understand how their mind and body are interconnected, which can give them ideas for senior wellness practices that can benefit them.

Instead of just seeing a doctor and picking up a prescription, patients know how to take the reins on their health with proven self-care methods.

Plus, senior living communities serve as a supportive environment for mental, physical, and spiritual wellness. There are tons of activities to participate in and friendly community supervisors to help people get in touch with these calendar events. This fosters a sense of belonging as well as independence through self-care.

Invest in Senior Health Improvement for Your Loved One

Now that you know the benefits of holistic wellness programs in retirement communities, it's time to find an assisted living community that's committed to offering these benefits. Addington Place of Collinsville offers a comfortable living space and a diverse social calendar to combat loneliness.

When allowed the room to experiment with new hobbies and meet other people, seniors can thrive both mentally and physically. Reach out to our experts to learn more about assisted living and memory care in Illinois.